lack of success

美 [læk əv səkˈses]英 [læk ɒv səkˈses]
  • 不成功
lack of successlack of success
  1. We begin to see that our lack of success is within us ( a lack of discipline in following the rules because of some kind of fear ) and we begin to work on knowing ourselves better .


  2. Before you blame anyone or anything else with your lack of success , ask yourself the question if you 've been putting in enough time or have you been taking shortcuts ? Be honest with yourself .


  3. He attributed the party 's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas .


  4. Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena , although with singular lack of success .


  5. Most people assume the lack of success is the result of his carelessness .


  6. My lack of success with the investment banks was not a question of aptitude .


  7. And there is no lack of success paradigm of the GEM market all around the world .


  8. His lack of success had made him contemptuous of the way the London theatre was run .


  9. Being both spoiled and lazy he blamed everyone else for his lack of success .


  10. He also made an effort to explain mathematical logic and complex numbers to her - but with a complete lack of success .


  11. Some people wrongly attribute their lack of success in getting work to their belief that minorities are taking their jobs .


  12. First used in the 1920 " s , it portrays a situation and a possible explanation for the lack of success these girls had .


  13. There have been numerous near misses over the course of the past four years , but there is a growing sense of frustration around Emirates Stadium at the lack of success .


  14. Notwithstanding their lack of success on the merits , EDF and the Sierra Club filed a request for attorney 's fees incurred in the Sierra Club action .


  15. Generally , the prohibition that is inherent in a taboo includes the idea that its breach or defiance will be followed by some kind of trouble to the offender , such as lack of success in hunting or fishing , sickness , miscarriage , or death .


  16. Frustrated by their lack of real success , scientists'interests in sleep substances eventually dwindled .


  17. Early stress has been associated with depression , anxiety , cancer and lack of career success later on in adulthood .


  18. He constantly told Mike and me that the greatest reason for lack of financial success was because most people played it too safe .


  19. The fixed expression of progressive liberalism has been anger and contempt – with perplexity at its lack of political success mixed in for comic effect .


  20. The first arising from the insurance guarantee is to ensure honesty and insurance , by some individuals or firms to banks , by 1852 , the United Kingdom several insurance companies trying to offer a contract security business , but due to lack of sufficient capital without success .
